Crown Work
Woodchips Tree Surgeons specialise in crown work, crown thinning, crown lifting, crown reduction and removal of deadwood.
Crown Thinning
Crown thinning involves the removal of a proportion of secondary branches to produce a uniform branch structure without altering the overall size or shape of the tree. It results in improved light levels passing through the canopy thus reducing shading. It reduces the wind resistance of the crown and reduces the loading upon the limbs of the tree. It is a very effective technique demanding a high level of skill as the selection of the branches to be removed requires careful consideration.
Crown Lifting
Crown lifting is removal of the lowest branches and preparing of lower branches for future removal, normally to give a uniform height from ground level. Good practice dictates crown lifting should not normally include the removal of large branches growing directly from the trunk as this causes large wounds which may jeopardise the long term future of the tree. Common reasons for crown lifting are to bring more light and give access for traffic. In the U.K. common practice dictates clearance for vehicles is 5.2 metres (~17 feet), and for pedestrians 2.5m (~8 feet).
Crown Deadwood
Crown dead-wooding is a method of controlling excessive tree growth such as occurs with willow trees by reducing the tree back to the trunk or convenient growth points that allows new shoots to grow in a controlled manner with a balanced shape. Also removal of dead branches to prevent injury and damage to people and property.
Crown Reduction
Crown reduction is used to reduce the height and/or spread of the crown of a tree by the removal of the ends of branches whilst maintaining the tree’s natural shape as far as practicable.